Key Stage 4: Music
Curriculum Intent
The GCSE course that we study at Murray Park School builds on the work that we do at Key Stage 3. The pupils continue to develop their performing, composing and appraising skills and they focus on deepening their understanding and knowledge of different genres of music. The composing element of the GCSE is to a brief that is set by the exam board. The students also have the option of writing their own composition brief.
For the performance element of the GCSE course, the students are able to offer solo and ensemble performances. The choice of music is up to the individual student, supported by guidance from their instrument teacher as well as the music department.
The appraisal section of the GCSE course is a listening exam where the pupils are tested on their knowledge of the two set works as well as the four areas of study.
Curriculum overview
At Murray Park School we follow the EDQAS GCSE music course. This builds on the experiences the students have received in music lessons at Key Stage 3. It develops their musical skills as well as helping to form their musical identities.
There are four areas of study: Forms and structure, music for ensemble, film music and popular music. The EDUQAS syllabus includes two set works that the students study in depth. The set works are ‘Badinerie’ by Bach and ‘Africa’ by Toto.
At all points during their Key Stage 3 and their Key Stage 4 KS3 and KS4 music lessons, the students are encouraged to listen to a wide variety of music and musical styles to help them to discover and to develop their musical ideas.

Key Stage 4 Learning Journey – Music

Useful links
Extra-curricular activities
There are a variety of weekly lunchtime and after school activities for students in Key Stage 4. The pupils are encouraged to take the lead in organising the school concerts as well as performing in them. There are also opportunities for the students to attend school trips relevant to their GCSE Music course.