Rewards Policy
Achieving at Murray Park School
Mission Statement
At Murray Park School, we recognise and value the worth of all our pupils. We believe that every pupil can learn and grow to become young adults that contribute positively to society. We value and embrace the diverse backgrounds of all our pupils and believe that every one of them can achieve success in their own way. We are committed to providing as many opportunities as possible for our students to learn, develop and grow. Equally we are determined to acknowledge and praise all efforts and successes of our students. Our focus is on developing young people to have a positive and growth mind-set that primes them for achieving success throughout their entire life.
We have a strong set of values which have been created by our students. All positive points are based on these values: Perseverance Respect Independence Dreams Excellence
Aims of the reward system:
The objectives for the rewards policy are:
- To raise aspirations and promote a positive attitude towards school life and beyond
- To promote a positive and happy learning environment for all staff and students
- To increase students’ self-esteem through consistent and positive recognition
- To enable and support pupils in developing the skills and attitudes required to meet the challenges of adult life
- As part of the personal development curriculum student learn about appropriate behaviour and positive relationships
- To promote consistency across the school when rewarding students for their work or behaviour
- To promote a positive ethos of success and achievement that is accessible to all students
- To clearly describe different stages of praise and rewards the school will offer
- To ensure a consistent and desirable pattern of rewards
- To support pupils in adhering to the school’s behaviour expectations
- To drive improved individual outcomes to ensure that all pupils achieve to the best of their ability
- To determine the roles and responsibilities of all within the school in establishing a calm and productive working environment
Pupils at Murray Park School are praised in a variety of ways:
- Formally: Charter for success, tutor slides, certificates, reward trips, public displays of work, articles in the school newsletter and press, etc.
- Informally: verbally in and out of lesson, positive feedback on work, in assemblies, displaying work, contact with parents/carers, etc.
This policy will bring together all aspects of school life; pastoral, academic, extra-curricular and social. Pupils will be recognised in a points based system, designed to encourage and promote opportunities for all pupils to grow. All pupils will earn GO4SCHOOLS Points that will be assigned using the GO4SCHOOLS program and will be regularly monitored, tracked and reviewed. Good behaviour is vital to students’ progress and achievement in school as well as developing personal responsibility in the community. The school has a stepped approach to sanctions which encourages positive behaviour and works alongside the rewards system. All behaviour and reward points can be viewed by parents on their Go4Schools personalised area.
The GO4SCHOOLS Points earned by pupils will trigger a variety of reward opportunities ranging from:
- Praise texts home
- Letters and postcards home
- Recognition in assemblies/ newsletters/ school website/ displays and tutor notices
- Small prizes such as stationary/ sweets and Chocolates
- Invitation to the half termly Head teachers assemblies
- End of year summer prize draw
- Free trips to the cinema
- Pizza parties and movie afternoons
- Gift vouchers
- Invitation to take part in community competitions
- Invitation to celebration events
- Invitation to the annual rewards ceremony
- Invitation to reward trips
Other reward opportunities may also be offered throughout the year.
Pupils will be regularly updated with their total GO4SCHOOLS points through tutor time in the mornings. Highest achieving pupils will be displayed, celebrated and highlighted on the weekly tutor notices. Pupils who struggle to accumulate points will also be discretely challenged and encouraged to actively participate.
Staff training will be given on how to implement the reward points on GO4SCHOOLS in order to ensure that the rewards system is fair and consistent.
Reward Trips
Reward trips run throughout the year, with destinations such as Chester Zoo, and students are invited based on their progress against the school’s reward system. Some trips are free, while others may have a cost. Our Summer enrichment trips are also linked to the reward system, with students achieving the red checkpoint receiving a discount on these experiences. These trips serve as an exciting incentive for students to engage positively in school life while enjoying unique and memorable experiences.
Celebration Evening
This is an annual opportunity to invite pupils to a celebration of their achievements at a formal awards ceremony attended by pupils, parents, staff and members of the governing body. Pupils are invited to attend the ceremony in recognition of their achievements and to be publicly awarded. Nominations are made by subject leaders and Heads of Year which celebrate outstanding achievement in a number of areas. The rewards include public recognition at a formal ceremony, certificates, prizes and trophies.