
During Year 10 and Year 11 you will be entered for GCSEs and other exams at Murray Park School. You will find important information about what you should and shouldn’t do together with timetables on these pages. If you are unsure about anything to do with exams you can always speak to the Exams Officer (Miss Redcliffe Gordon) or your Form Tutor or Head of Year.

You can contact the exams office on 01332 540024 or email:


Regulations and Documents to Read

There are rules around sitting exams and you should read the documents below, make sure you understand them and ask questions if you need to. If you fail to follow regulations, issued by the Joint Council for Qualifications, you may be disqualified from the paper, the subject or all subjects. Murray Park School expects you to follow exam regulations without question.

Social Media: there are serious penalties for those students who make comments or pass on comments about exams on social media.


Year 11 GCSE Timetable Summer 2025 (inc Y10 early GCSE languages)

Year 10 Mock Exam Timetable Summer 2025


Upcoming key dates (please see your subject teacher for full details)

Week commencing Monday 6 January 2025: Y11 GCSE Art and GCSE Photography question papers to be issued

Friday 10 January 2025: Y11 GCSE Food practical catch-up session

Friday 17 January 2025: Y11 GCSE Food practical catch-up session

Thursday 03 April 2025: Y11 GCSE Drama practical exam p4-5

Tuesday 22 April 2025: Y11 GCSE Photography (opt D) exam 5 hours

Wednesday 23 April 2025: Y11 GCSE Photography (opt D) exam 5 hours

Thursday 24 April 2025: Y11 GCSE French & Spanish speaking tests

Friday 25 April 2025: Y11 GCSE French & Spanish speaking tests

Monday 28 April 2025: Y11 GCSE French & Spanish speaking tests

Tuesday 29 April 2025: Y11 GCSE Photography (opt B) and Art (opt A&B) exam 5 hours

Wednesday 30 April 2025: Y11 GCSE Photography (opt B) and Art (opt A&B) exam 5 hours


Summer 2025 Results Day

GCSE Results Day for Summer 2025 will be Thursday 21 August 2025. This date includes all BTEC and Level 1/2 results as well as GCSE results. We strongly encourage students to attend, however students who cannot attend results day in person can give their written consent for someone else to collect on their behalf. Uncollected results will be posted home at the end of 21 August 2025.

If you have queries about your subject result, then we would recommend that you give written or emailed consent for the school to access your script (your answer book) so a subject teacher can look at it and compare it to the mark scheme for you. We do not go straight to a formal review of marking without seeing your answer book first. Please look at the Review of Results information sheet which will give you the key date for final applications, but you should act as soon as possible. Reviews of results can mean your result for that paper goes down which could make your subject grade fall, so to protect you from that risk, we like to have a look first and then give advice. Note that a Review of Marking is not a ‘re-mark’ but a check by a second marker/examiner to check the first one applied the mark scheme correctly. The overwhelming majority of subject results are found to be 100% correct each year. You should note reviews can take approximately 3 weeks.


Please call the Exams Office on 01332 540024 or email exams@murraypark.derby.sch.uk and we will draw them from archive and you will be able to collect from reception by appointment.

Replacement certificates: if you have lost your GCSE certificates you will need to contact each of the exam boards you took exams with and give them your personal details so they can produce a replacement for you. They usually charge for this service. If you can remember the old exam board name but don’t know the new name we’ve attached a list. Our school ‘centre number’ is 23336.

Replacement statements of results/records of results: if you need a replacement history of your results you should contact Murray Park School Exams Office on 01332 540024 or email exams@murraypark.derby.sch.uk to make enquiries about a copy (providing a record is still available on the school database). You should will be asked for your full name, date of birth and year the exams were taken. The report will be a basic list of subject, grade and date the exam was taken in month and year only.