Key Stage 4: Physical Education Examination subjects
In Physical education we offer learners two different examination courses.
Edexcel 1-9 GCSE PE
Curriculum Intent – GCSE PE
- develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge and understanding to improve performance
- understand how the physiological and psychological state affects performance in physical activity and sport
- perform effectively in different physical activities by developing skills and techniques and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas
- develop their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve performance in physical activity and sport
- understand the contribution that physical activity and sport make to health, fitness and well-being
- understand the key socio-cultural influences that can affect people’s involvement in physical activity and sport.
Components assesses students’ knowledge and understanding of the factors underpinning physical activity and sport performance. Students will develop their theoretical knowledge and understanding of applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis and physical training so that they can use this knowledge to analyse and evaluate performance and devise informed strategies for improving/optimising their own practical performance.
Practical: Individual and team activities
Students will be required to perform in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer. For each physical activity, students will be required to demonstrate their skills in isolation/unopposed situations and demonstrate their skills in a competitive/formal (e.g. full-sided game where appropriate) situation while under pressure. Students should be taught to make relevant and appropriate links between their learning in Components 1 and 2 and use this to benefit their performances in the physical activities. Students should develop their ability and aptitude in physical activities, demonstrating the skills and techniques learnt.
Curriculum overview
Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems (*Component code: 1PE0/01)
Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 36% of the qualification 90 marks
Content overview
- Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology
- Topic 2: Movement analysis
- Topic 3: Physical training
- Topic 4: Use of data
Assessment overview
The assessment consists of multiple-choice, short-answer, and extended writing questions. Students must answer all questions. Calculators can be used in the examination
Component 2: Health and Performance
Written examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes: 24% of the qualification
Content overview
- Topic 1: Health, fitness and well-being
- Topic 2: Sport psychology
- Topic 3: Socio-cultural influences
- Topic 4: Use of data: Assessment overview
The assessment consists of multiple-choice, short-answer, and extended writing questions. Students must answer all questions. Calculators can be used in the examination.
Component 3: Practical Performance
Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated: 30% of the qualification (35 marks per activity)
Content overview
- Skills during individual and team activities
- General performance skills
Assessment overview
The assessment consists of students completing three physical activities from a set list. One must be a team activity and one must be an individual activity. The final activity can be a free choice. Students must participate in three separate activities. Each activity can last up to 12 hours. These will be assessed by the teacher and moderated by the examination board.
Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme (PEP)
Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated
10% of the qualification: 20 marks
Content overview
- Aim and planning analysis
- Carrying out and monitoring the Personal Exercise Programme (PEP)
- Evaluation of the PEP Assessment
The assessment consists of students producing a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) and will require students to analyse and evaluate their performance. These will be assessed by the teacher and moderated by the examination board – Pearson.

Extra-curricular activities
The department also run a number of educational trips that allow students to experience live professional sport. The department also run a biannual ski trip to Europe.