History at Murray Park School will grow a generation of young people who are passionate, curious and active citizens in Derby. Our History curriculum will help students to make sense of the world they live in and will help them to cement their place within their city. We aim to equip students by developing their knowledge and understanding of the past and helping them understand how and why things have changed.
Religious Studies is an important subject at Murray Park and the Religious Studies curriculum reflects the fact that issues of religion and belief frequently top the news agenda. The Religious Studies curriculum allows young people growing up in a diverse society to understand the views and opinions of people whose beliefs and values differ from their own. It provides space for young people to reflect on their own ideas and develop their thoughts about questions of meaning and ethics. Religious Studies develops the students’ abilities to express themselves, ready for the world of work and higher education.
Click on the subjects on the right to explore our curriculum provision.
Head of Department: Miss C Moody