Murray Park Accessibility Plan
Many young children who have SEND may have a disability under the Equality Act 2010, that is ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a long term or adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ Disabilities include: visual or hearing impairment; physical disabilities; illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, cancer, etc. We ensure everyone has access to our school site and to a broad curriculum, regardless of disability.
Reasonable adjustments are made for students, making sure they are not disadvantaged in any way. Individual needs are discussed with the student and parents/carers to assess current needs and this is then reviewed termly.
The school is committed to delivering an inclusive, wide-ranging education for all students. Our own principles and practice are underpinned by the recent 2014 SEND Code of Practice and we aim to make all possible ‘reasonable adjustments’ in order to meet the needs of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Liaison with primary schools begins with a process of identifying students who may benefit from additional support. These Year 6 students are invited to attend additional transition days in the Summer Term before they start Year 7 in the Autumn Term. We also run a highly successful week-long Summer School programme which supports our learners with the transition to secondary school life.
The progress of all students is monitored closely across all year groups. Initially, where new concerns about progress or learning are identified, these will be monitored by the form tutor, with advice from Learning Support staff as appropriate. Typically, we would identify in-class support strategies which could be put in place to support the student and would monitor how effective these were in improving progress. If initial support actions prove insufficient, further discussions will take place to develop highly personalised strategies and set individual targets appropriate to the student’s needs. This may include additional support in small groups to support improvements in reading and numeracy, or might be planned around a student’s emotional and behavioural support requirements.
The school maintains a list of students with SEND, commonly known as the SEND Register. This list identifies all students whose learning needs are ‘additional to and different from’ those children whose needs can solely be met through the high-quality teaching typically offered in the classroom. The SEND Register also lists a brief description of the student’s needs. All staff are able to access detailed information about individual needs and have access to a wide range of materials which can guide them when planning the most suitable approach to ensure every learner experiences success and makes good progress in lessons.
Teaching Assistants give support in lessons and also deliver a range of intervention packages based around identified needs of individuals and small groups. Some students are offered a range of interventions to help meet their needs, and the effectiveness and suitability of these interventions will be reviewed at least once per term. Typically, students on the SEND Register will have a named keyworker who will liaise between home and school as well as provide an additional source of support and guidance for parents and teachers of the student.
Local Offer
The Local Offer is a range of services available to the families of children with SEND.
It helps you find services and information for 0-25 year olds with SEND and disabilities.
Click here to access the Derby SEND local offer website.
The main categories are:
- Activities
- Health
- Education and Childcare
- Preparing for Adulthood
- Autism
Here at Murray Park we liaise with a number of services to provide services that best meet the needs of our students. We access: Community Paediatricians; Occupational Therapy and Health; Umbrella; STEPS; the Educational Psychology Service, CAMHS; Visual Impairment Specialists; Speech and Language Specialists; Junction 16; The Island; the School Nurse; Counselling Services and others.
Interactive Sites
Spell It Right
Woodlands Junior
KS3 bitesize
GCSE Bitesize
Other Links
The British Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia Action
The Dyspraxia Foundation
The National Autistic Society
Autism East Midlands
Home Information for parents and teachers on a range of special needs, especially Asperger’s syndrome.
SEBDA Social Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association.
SENDIAS SEND Information Advice and Support Service
Local Contacts for Derby City SEND team:
Head of Inclusion Services/Elective Home Education – Paula Nightingale
01332 640351
SEND Assessment – Senior Inclusion Officer & SEN Team Manager – Sue Moore
01332 642805
Educational Psychology Service –Principal Educational Psychologist & STePs Team Manager, ASD – Richard Lakin
01332 641379
Educational Psychology Service – Senior Educational Psychologist & STePs Team Manager, Early Intervention, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Physical Impairment, Sensory Needs – Eleanor Moore
01332 641394
New Communities Achievement Team Co-ordinator – Adem Repesa
01332 640356
Virtual Schools Headteacher for Children in Care – Graeme Ferguson
01332 640341
Derby Parent Partnership Service – Michelle Lowe
01332 641414
In the event of any complaints directly related to SEND, please contact Sian Hubbard ( If your complaint is not resolved, please contact the Head Teacher, Nicola Caley or Paula Nightingale at the Local Authority: