The Murray Park Charter forĀ Success
At Murray Park we consistently promote the extensive personal development of pupils, giving a wide, rich set of experiences, pupils are also given the opportunity to develop their talents and interests to an exceptionally high quality. We provide rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities. Our pupilsā character is exemplary through the promotion of the Murray Park Charter for Success, PRIDE values, tutor slides and rewards system. The Charter for Success enhances our pupilsā spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, it also supports pupils to be confident, resilient and independent, and to develop strength of character. This initiative also enhances each pupilsā cultural capital and offers a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupilsā talents and interests.
In addition to the already robust reward incentives pupils can achieve here at Murray Park, pupils can also achieve awards throughout their time here at Murray Park by completing the different tasks highlighted on the Charter for Success grid, these will be monitored through GO4SCHOOLS and will be marked off when completed. The more experiences students gain on the Charter for Success grid, the higher they will move through the award system.