At Murray Park School, we are committed to providing a broad, rich, and ambitious personal development programme that equips our students with the knowledge, skills, and values to become well-rounded, confident, and responsible citizens.

Our approach is embedded in our PRIDE values—Perseverance, Respect, Independence, Dreams, and Excellence—ensuring that every student is supported in their academic, social, and emotional development.


How Personal Development is Delivered

At Murray Park we think of Personal Development as a curriculum which takes place both within and beyond the subjects students study in the classroom. Personal Development is embedded across school life through a core set of experiences that all students access, as well as a wide range of optional enrichment opportunities.

Core Personal Development Activities:

  • Assemblies & Tutor Time: Covering key themes such as PRIDE Values, Wellbeing, and Diversity.
  • Mindset Mornings: Focused on character education and SMSC development.
  • Wider World Sessions: Weekly form-time discussions on current affairs and awareness days.
  • Careers Programme: Including work experience, mock interviews, and post-16 guidance.
  • School Charity Fundraising: Supporting African Adventures and our school food bank.

Enrichment Opportunities:

  • Trips & Visits: Including subject-based excursions, reward trips, and international exchanges.
  • Extra-Curricular Clubs: Covering a range of interests from board games to performing arts.
  • Diversity Days & Cultural Events: Celebrating the unique backgrounds of our school community.
  • Student Leadership Roles: Opportunities for students to become Peer Mentors, Parliament Representatives, or Prefects.